The True Meaning of YOLO

While performing the mandatory daily scroll through my Facebook feed today, I got to find out that my friend’s wife had lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes) in the 3rd/4th stage. Which really shocked me and broke my heart… considering she’s only a few years older than I am. It’s something we don’t tend to expect to happen at our age.

We shouldn’t need events like these to remind us how fragile our lives are. One moment we can be spontaneous and bouncing, another moment anything can happen and we’d be unable to do whatever we could do a while ago. Often, we think we’re in control of our own lives and destiny, but do we really? That’s what I think the song Que Sera Sera is trying to put across. We don’t get to choose what happens to us in life, but we still have to accept whatever happens.

Let’s put it this way.. Cancer is a DNA lottery that no one wants to win.

I had a good chat with the friend. He was sharing with me how they feel that their discovery was by work of God. They were attending a mass when his wife had a vision that something was growing on the right lung. The next day she coughed blood and discovered she had pneumonia. Her fever persisted and a closer look at the X-Ray scan revealed white spots around the lung. That’s when they found a 9x10cm tumour that was pressing on her lung and heart, then diagnosed her with lymphoma. Any tumour bigger than that would have been fatal.

I’m not Christian (I’m agnostic), but I think they were lucky to discover it before things got worse. Personally, I don’t think I can truly understand what they’re going through, but I pray that they stay strong and positive. Wish them full recovery very soon!

And it was then, I think I really understood the true meaning of YOLO – we literally only live once. It’s always going to sound cliché but I just have to say it.

What do you want to do in your life right now?
Go for it. Don’t let anything stop you. Try or die trying…

Is there someone you’ve been wanting to ask out but is just afraid?
Is that job driving you crazy yet you haven’t found the guts to resign?
Is that relationship worth fixing or would you let it stay the same?

Take action while you can. Because YOLO. #noregrets

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